Perfect Proteins Cooking Class … If you’ve always wanted to know how to consistently cook meats so they are perfect, this is the class for you! Tender beef, flaky fish and juicy chicken … done right every time. I’m going to show you how!
Event Details
Date: May 2, 2024
Time: 6 PM – 9 PM
Cost: $100.00/person
Bring whatever you’d like to drink (BYOB) … water, soda, wine, etc. Please, no liquor.
Perfect Proteins: What you’ll learn
In this class I’m going to give you everything you need to know so you’ll never have to eat that dry or tough meat ever again. It will include:
- How to choose the right cuts of meat for the dish you want to create
- Some of the best places around to buy it!
- How to cook the perfect proteins … beef, chicken and fish
- Ideas for meals
- And, proper plating and serving
Better than that, you’re going to get to taste all of it, along with two side dishes that are easily incorporated into various meals.
Things You Need to Know
- We have fun. Come ready for it!
- We are limiting this class to 12 people. First come, first served.
- This will be a hands-on class.
- We will do the prep work so you can enjoy learning, hanging out with me and make some new friends.
- Be a few minutes early. Class will start on time. You will not want to miss anything!
Register for the Perfect Proteins Class
Registration Closed